Here you will find information about fees and booking


2 hours.private time500 €
3 hours.private time650 €
4 hoursincluding lunch or dinner
without dinner
700 €
750 €
5 hoursincluding lunch or dinner800 €
6 hoursincluding lunch or dinner900 €
Each additional hour100 €
12 hoursincluding dinner and breakfast1300 €
24 hoursincluding meals2200 €
48 hoursincluding meals3500 €
Every additional day1500 €

Plus EUR 100 night surcharge from booking start at 11 p.m

travel costs and expenses

Place of residence of the escorts0 €
Arrival up to 50 km50 €
Arrival up to 100 km100 €
Arrival from 150 km within Germany100 € + train or plane ticket
Arrival throughout Europe250 € + train or plane ticket
Arrival worldwide350 € + train or plane ticket

Travel costs include expenses for transportation, meals and the time spent getting to the location of your choice.

Fee dinner date

(erotic contact excluded)

Dinner date250 €
each additional hour100 €
Day accompaniment (12 hours)850 €
Daytime support (24 hours)1600 €

Fee duo

2 gentlemen / 1 escort modeldouble fee
1 gentleman / 2 escort modelsthe fee of the model in each case
1 couple / 1 escort model1.5 times the fee

Minimum booking period

Place of residence/home base of the escort lady2 hours
Arrival up to 50 km3 hours
Travel up to 100 km within Germany4 hours


Please hand over the agreed fee discreetly in an unsealed envelope in cash at the beginning of your appointment or transfer it to our agency account in advance.


For bookings lasting 3 days or more or a longer journey to the location of your choice (by car, train or plane), a deposit of 30% of the agreed fee is due.

If there is a binding agreement, your escort lady will keep the desired date free.

The deposit must ensure that the appointment you have made will be kept. The appointment is binding once the deposit has been received in our agency account.


If you are unable to keep the appointment for important professional or private reasons, we ask you to inform us immediately. We would be happy to reschedule your appointment to another date.

If you cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance, the deposit paid can be refunded. If less than 24 hours, we will keep 50% of the deposit as compensation or as a credit for a later booking.

Travel bookings are subject to cancellation protection, as experience shows that travel companies do not reimburse costs for booked flight or train tickets or, in exceptional cases, only partially reimburse them.